Daily Blog Tips – Blogging Questions & Answers 7
Rui Cruz
Eu gosto de fazer perguntas. Decidi perguntar ao dono do Daily Blog Tips o que achava que os meus vídeos seriam bons ou maus, já depois de os ter acabado.
Bom, para vos dizer a verdade, gostei da resposta.
Rui Cruz asks:
I blog for 2 years now. Recently I got popularity by doing some stupid -very stupid- youtube videos making me seem like cra -really-.
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So “some people” now talk about me on IRC and blogs.
Is this a good way to promote myself and probably my blog?
Or I am expoosing me too much?What is your opinion on this?
I think you are the only one that can answer to this question. Are you comfortable with people talking about you? How far do you think you can go before you would be crossing the line of what is acceptable to you?
One thing to keep in mind though, is that this is stuff will be immortalized on the web. Once its out there, you can’t delete it anymore. So think in terms of looking back in 10 or 20 years also.
Eu sei que vai ficar. Eu sei que vou dar muito que falar. Mas, a popularidade vem assim mesmo, com escolhas contorversas.
Podem ler o post todo e fazer perguntas aqui.